绑架人质 可以和kami大大的脱离通缉Cleo互动
本帖最后由 w15503101898 于 2016-2-20 22:03 编辑首先在外网找到的 ....老规矩 隐藏内容为 原贴地址 还是那样 见左面 DOWNLOAD **** Hidden Message ***** 在附上kami大大的脱离通缉传送门 http://www.miuk.cn/thread-18773-1-6.html {:5_125:} 我英语渣看原贴我都是机翻的 原贴内容描述:This mod allows to kidnap a person in the street.
installation: ..
- Copy the file "Kidnaping the Ped.cs" and past in the folder "cleo" in gta san andreas.
- Copy the folder "CLEO_SOUNDS" and past in the cleo folder.
- Then, Open the file gta3.img in the folder GTA-SanAndreas\models then add the file "KIDNAPING.ifp" inside.
- To kidnap a person, target (with right clic) and go behind the person then press the key "K".
- To change weapons press "Q" or "E"
- To turn left press "Q" to turn right press "D" (you can also use the left/right arrows to turn).
- You can walk with "W" or back with "S".
- To aim upwards using the up arrow, to aim downwards press the down arrow.
- The light you indicate where you aim before shooting.
- To shoot press the left clic.
- To execute the hostage press the left and right click at the same time.
- To liberate the hostage press "Enter", or "F".
- You can change the view with "V", there are 3 different views.
- If the police see you kidnaps a person you will have 2 stars.
- If the police see you kill the hostage, you will have 3 stars.
The weapons usable in the mod :
- Unarmed
- Knife
- COLT45
- Silenced
- Desert-Eagle
- Tec9
Notes :
When you touching a car or another person in the street, they disappear. This is a bug caused by the teleportation of the hostage to get blocked on the player.
This mod is very useful for the missions where you must be discreet because it allows to quickly eliminate an enemy without attracting attention and without have need of weapons.
The mod "otage animation" is included in the mod, read the readme for more details.
Sorry for my bad english. 大神们自己翻译吧 {:5_125:} 我从未见过如此厚颜无耻之cleo
提示: 发表于 2016-2-20 22:58
看着很牛掰的样子! Jaysae 发表于 2016-2-21 11:48
...我不搞基 比利 是我在b站看到的 一级棒 本帖最后由 匿名 于 2022-4-13 19:01 编辑
. 有趣{:7_202:}正面上他啊 叼叼叼。。。。 haooo 下个看看 表示此绑架人物cleo太垃圾了,自从绑了人之后移动方式就不能转鼠标,前进也有大问题不可。反正移动太困难,垃圾 要是实在不会绑架人物cleo,你可以去玩玩杀手系列任何一个版本,都可以绑架人质,那才是完美